Tuesday, May 6, 2014

New Website

Hi guys, thanks for reading!!

I have made a whole website for myself so from now on I will be blogging there. It's www.johart.org

Thanks for your support!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hi guys!

Just a quick note. Sorry I haven't posted, but my sister's moving to the UK in two days, so i'm trying to spend every moment I can with her. I'll have more free time on my hands once she goes.

I'm praying for you guys!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Quiet Place

Verse of the day:
Then each went to his own home. But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. John 8:1

This verse may not seem that significant. But the Mount of Olives was where Jesus had his quiet time and talked to his father.

Every Christian has their own special place where they meet with God. Me, I mostly do it in bed (especially since I do it as soon as I wake up), but it can be anywhere for me, I don't have a special "place." I've done it at the kitchen table, on the couch, and at a cafe/restaurant, just to name a few. I sometimes even wake up early for my quiet time, have my quiet time, and then go back to sleep (this mostly happens when I'm feeling extra tired).

Where do you meet with God??

Friday, January 17, 2014

When God Moves

Verse of the day:
Now there was a famine in the land - besides the earlier famine of Abraham's time - and Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines in Gerar. Genesis 26:1


I am in awe of God today.

First of all, I have said before that the bible character I relate to the most is Abraham. Today I did an online personality test that included historical characters the most like you in the results. Guess which historical character I'm most like?

You got it. Abraham.

I also started the Priscilla Shirer bible study Gideon today. By the way, check out her bible studies, they rock! I loved The Resolution for Women, and today's was awesome too. And she is such an entertaining speaker!

Anyway, I started Gideon. When I watch the video for the first session, Priscilla was talking about how we need to obey God and how we sometimes miss God's opportunity for us for something (she's more eloquent than that). My heart was stirred and I knew deep down what God wanted me to do, but I keep coming up against (legal) obstacles (no, God's not telling me to do something illegal. There's just a lot of red tape).

Anyway, after doing Gideon, I finally was ready to read my bible for the day. Every day I read a few chapters all over the bible - whatever I have to read for the plan I'm doing on YouVersion, whatever I have to read for the Good Morning Girls bible study, a chapter of Proverbs corresponding to whichever day of the month it is, the chapter after the last bible verse I read, and whatever chapter we're up to for the Karen Kingsbury New Testament Challenge on Facebook.

I was almost done, when turned to Genesis and came across the above verse (as you can see, it's the first verse of the chapter, so I feel as though it smacked me in the face). Suddenly, it was clear. I need to obey God. I have one more option, and although I was humming and haaaing and asking God what he wants, I was leaning towards not doing it. But today I know I am.

What are some of your experiences with God?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How Free Are You?

Verse of the day:
This matter arose, because some false brothers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. Galatians 2:4

This is how I feel about 9/11.

When 9/11 happened, even though I grew up here in Australia, I was 14 and in Grade 9. 9/11 was the first world news I was old enough to pay attention to (other than Princess Diana dying, and even then I only knew because my mum made a fuss about it). I remember the night before, mum and I had gone to see Bridget Jones' Diary, which was fun - at 14 years of age I didn't get out to see movies much. Although, by the way, I now hate that movie because I associate it with feelings of guilt - guilt that I was having so much fun while other people were suffering.

Anyway, the next morning - Wednesday morning - I woke up and mum told me what had happened. She told me it was world news and a big deal. I remember thinking yeah, right. But once I got to school and we watched the news on TV - no classes - I knew she was right.

I was thankful and so amazed and awed at God (I had only become a christian on Christmas Day the year before) when I learnt about the pentagon - and what it meant.

I had a best friend at that time. She may not be my best friend anymore, but she is my oldest friend and our families have grown up together, so she's like a sister. Her family had moved to the US in June 1999, with the intent to stay for 3 years. Her dad worked at the pentagon. However, they ended up moving back to Australia in June 2000 - after just a year. Had they been there the 3 years, I have no idea what would've happened, and I don't even want to think about it.


Anyway, this is how I feel about 9/11 and terrorists. That people have infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have and to make us slaves.

What are your memories of 9/11?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What's Your Value?

Verse of the day:
All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. Proverbs 14:23

I was listening to Dave Ramsey last night, and he was talking about your economic value.

Now, I forget exactly what he was saying, but the point was, you earn what you put in.

I am unemployed, and I'm trying to get any job I can to make money (and hopefully move out of my parents house!). I do get a disability pension, but I don't want to live on the government's money, I want to live on my own money. Plus if I were to live on my own, the pension is barely enough to scrape by.

The harder you work, the more money you're going to make. It's as simple as that. People who work 3 jobs like crazy to save money earn more (or they should), than people who are at the same level who work just 9-5.

Now, why do senior positions or positions that need qualifications earn more than lower positions? Because the person to get those jobs have already put in the hard work to get to where they are.

One job I realize my parents did really well is to promote a work ethic. My 2 siblings and I all have a good work ethic - if we are at a job, we are good workers. I know in my last job I worked my butt off - even though it didn't equate to more pay.

Don't be lazy. Have a good work ethic.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Verse of the day:
Sound thinking makes for gracious living, but liars walk a rough road. Proverbs 15:13

Sorry! I completely forgot to post yesterday. I have no idea why it completely slipped my mind (shouldn't it be a habit after 3 weeks?)

Thanks to Dave Ramsey, I am currently trying to get control of my finances. I've gotten a bit of a setback this week (I couldn't get a visa to work in the US so I no longer have a promise of a job), but I'm hanging in there. I'm up to baby step 2.

But it's not the only thing. This year, I'm trying to be wise in all aspects of my life. Wise with my money, wise with my time, and wise with my resources.

I started off the year figuring that if I manage my money properly, God would make sure I was taken care of (at least).

But there was a surprise for me! I checked the balance on my student loan, and it was almost half of what I thought it was! God is taking care of me!

If you walk with God, he will reward you, like he did me already this year.

In what ways has god surprised/rewarded you?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tell It Like It Is

Verse of the day:
The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delight. Proverbs 11:1

Honestly, I'm not up to writing something today, but this is what I am taking from the verse of the day: tell it like it is (preferably without hurting anybody). God hates people who are dishonest.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Who Am I?

Verse of the day:
Then they grilled him: "Confess. Why this disaster? What is your work? Where do you come from? What country? What family?" Jonah 1:8

Who are you? I am an aspiring author, and I come from Adelaide, Australia. I am the oldest of 3 children.

I once heard this: there are ten unchangeable things that make a person unique:

  1. The way God made us
  2. Our parents
  3. Our brothers and sisters
  4. Our nationality
  5. Our mental capacity
  6. Our time in history
  7. Our gender
  8. Our birth order and placement in our family
  9. The fact that we grow older as the years pass, and 
  10. The fact that life is a race against time and the best way to use that time is to serve God and others
(Thank you to the Duggars for that bit of wisdom).

While I don't agree with all ten things (the last two are universal, they don't make us unique), I believe the other eight are carefully planned by God and that he has given us these things that make us unique for a reason.

Okay, I'm hoping I make sense. For example, I was born to in Australia to an Australian family for a specific reason. I was given the parents and the siblings God had planned for me.

I often say or think I wish I lived 100 years ago. While that would be great, I have congenital heart disease, and I know for a fact that if I had been born 100 years ago I wouldn't have survived very long after birth. God doesn't make mistakes.

So don't wish away things that you can't change, because you'll miss the plan God has in the circumstances you are in.

What way can you see God's plan in your circumstances?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

God's Plan

Okay, so I don't have a verse if the day today. I had one all ready, but it doesn't go with how today has gone.

Today hasn't been the best day of my life. You know that job I got in the US? I got word that I couldn't get a visa, so I can't go (which is what I've been aiming for since I was 13!). I also thought it was God's will for me to go.

However, I am still going to take a trip there sometime. Or to London (my sister's moving there for a year). I don't know.

Please pray for me as I figure out my next move.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Verse of the day:
The mere sound of his name will signal hope, even among far-off unbelievers. Matthew 12:21

When you hear the name of God - whichever name it is (God, Jesus, Lord, Christ etc) - how do you feel? Hopeful? Joyful? Something else?

I was listening to a podcast today, which had a man talking about being saved. Being saved is all well and good, but he was telling a story about a man and a woman who got married. The woman said to the man "I love you, you've done so much for me, but take me home to my parents."

She refused to live with her spouse. This preacher was saying that this is what it is like when we get saved and then refuse to change our ways - it's like being married and refusing to live with them.

I know, sometimes, when you give your heart to God, you don't 'feel' anything. But emotions aren't everything. I have been a christian long enough to know if I don't feel like reading my bible, I should still do it because then I grow closer to God, and THEN I 'feel' like it. The more in love with God you are, the closer you are to him, the more you feel.

So, again, I ask - how do you feel when you hear the name of God? Nothing? Or something?

I'm praying for you guys!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

A God Who Is Angry

Verse of the day:
O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. Psalm 38:1

Whenever I hear someone who cries this out, my heart goes out to them. Because they don't know, or they have forgotten, that God is merciful. Yes, God gets angry. But if your heart is in the right place, he will give grace and mercy.

And now, for your pleasure, a scene from Gilmore Girls. (I know I do this often, but Gilmore Girls can relate to anything.)

Lorelai: Is it okay that Max and I aren't Jewish?
Luke: It's okay by me.
Lorelai: No, but I mean to stand under it. God won't smite us or anything?
Luke: I highly doubt it. Besides, God would have to get a license from Taylor to do any smiting in Stars Hollow on a weekend, so I'd say you're safe.

I'm praying for you guys!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Paying Attention

Verse of the day:
Abishai brother of Joab and son of Zeruaiah was the head of the Thirty. he once got credit for killing three hundred with his spear, but he was never named in the same breath as the Three. 2 Samuel 23:18

A lot of the time society pays attention to the wrong things, and the wrong people. We pay attention to people who shouldn't be getting that attention. The two major examples of this that I can think of are Miley Cyrus and Charlie Sheen.

Sure, Miley Cyrus started out well. She was clean, she was a good role model, she was outspoken about her faith and she was on a tween TV show - Hannah Montana. But then she started going off the rails - nude photoshoots, drugs, and, more recently, raunchy lyrics and videos. Last year, her big hit was Wrecking Ball, and she twerks in her underwear. And what does she get for this questionable behavior? Attention. She had the most searches on yahoo.com in 2013.

And then there's Charlie Sheen. Granted, I've never been a fan of his, but I remember when he got kicked off Two And A Half Men for bad behavior. And everyone knew he'd been doing drugs for ages. But what did he get for that? Attention. That story was really big on social media.

Also, when was the first time I learnt who Angelina Jolie was? When she broke up the marriage of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

Why do we always seem to idolize people who exhibit bad behavior? I really want kids one day, and I'm going to be very careful how I parent them. I don't want them turning on the TV or the computer and watching raunchy music videos, or listening to songs about sex or being high or hungover or with swear words in them.

God tells us to think of things that are good and pure (Philippians 4:8). When Miley's latest questionable behavior is in the news, or when I hear that Lindsay Lohan's been arrested again, I like to turn it around by praying for them. Because sometimes I think celebrities need our prayers most of all.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Verse of the day:
What's left of the people of Judah will put down roots and make a new start. Isaiah 37:31

I'm back! And so happy to be here. I've found I don't read my bible much when I don't have to, so you guys are my accountability partners.

Today is to make a new start. To forgive and forget things that have happened (within reason. It's fun reminiscing!)

A couple of people on blogs I read have decided they didn't want to do resolutions this year. I understand that - I wasn't quite sure whether I wanted to or not either! But a couple of days ago, as I sat in a cafe, God just put a few in my head. Here they are:

  1. To be more like Jesus
  2. To gain full control of my finances (I'm following Dave Ramsey!)
  3. To finish my novel by September (which I have no idea how I'm going to pull off....)
  4. To go to my first writer's conference this year, and
  5. To pray for my future husband every day
I like that at least a couple of them aren't pass/fail, so I won't feel really bad if I fail them.
Also, if God wants these things, he will help me. but if he has other plans, so be it. I'm not going to be upset because he's doing something else.

Okay, just for fun (I like to do this), the ipod shuffle quiz!!

Put Your Ipod on shuffle and write the song title:
My name is:: Endless Love
I:: Waking Up In Vegas
I love:: Firework (so true, I love fireworks!!)
I hate:: Guiding Star
I care about:: Who Are You Now
He/She:: Blown Away
My Favorite Show Is:: I Knew You Were Trouble
My Favorite Book is:: Cyclone music from The Wizard Of Oz
My Favorite Drink Is:: Never Grow Up

How Was Your:
Day:: I Can't Drive 55
Night:: Once In Royal David's City (actually describes last night accurately)
Breakfast:: Feelin So Fly
Lunch: Chicken Payback
Dinner:: Grease
Year:: Dancing In The Moonlight
Last Christmas:: This Is The Life
Last Car:: Lullaby

Describe Your...
House:: Set The world On Fire
Room:: What I Like About You
Current Outfit:: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Appearance:: God Only Knows
Hair:: Prayer
Nails:: Good In Goodbye
Eyes:: All Too Well
Best Friend:: Poker Face
Mom:: Incomplete
Sister:: Christmas Time Is Here (HAHAHAHA!! if you know my sister, you know what I mean)
Brother:: Frosty The Snowman
Dad:: Silent Night
Grandparents:: Jodie Makes A Fire
Kitchen:: Thank Goodness
Current Jewelry: Out Here On My Own
Future Death:: Every Little Thing
Instant Messenger Screen Name:: Don't You Want Me
Current Bra/Undies:: I Heard Santa On The Radio
Purse/Wallet:: Only In The Movies
Current Perfume:: The Christmas Song
Boyfriend/Girlfriend:: Love Them Like Jesus
Kisses:: I Want To Be Seen With You Tonight
Hugs:: Wizard Of Oz theme
Love:: Copacabana

Where Are You?: Illusion 
What Are You Watching?: Don't Forget To Remember Me
Who Do You Love?: What This World Needs
Why Are You Still Alive?: What's Love Got To Do With It
What Color Is Your Hair?: Farewell To The Fairground
What Color Are Your Eyes?: Go-Go Godzilla
Do You believe in the Easter Bunny?: When You Love
How Much Money Do You Have?: Stories
How Many Friends Do You Have?: Cry
How Old Are You?: Sweet, Sweet Spirit
Are You Currently Wearing Socks?: Jesus Made Me Higher
When Was the Last Time You Saw Your Dad?: You're The Top
Have You ever Kissed Someone Of the Same Sex?: I Want To See Jesus
Have You Ever Watched the Sun Set?: Call Jesus When You Lose Hope
Do You Like Orange Juice?: Even When I'm Sleeping
What Color Is Your Room?: Give Them All
How Many Boyfriends/Girlfriends Have You Had This Year?: Baby It's Cold Outside
Why Are You Taking This Survey?: Stay Beautiful
Where Is Your Cell Phone?: Let's Hear It For The Boy
Do You Even Have a Cell Phone?: Wishes
When Was The Last Time It Snowed?: The Teacher's Argument
Is It Cloudy Outside?: You're Not Sorry
Do You Wear Glasses?: Soul Surfer theme
When Was The Last Time You Took A Shower?: Mother, We Just Can't Get Enough

Do You Feel...
Depressed?: This Can't Be Real
Happy?: Kingdom
Concerned?: Grease
Mad?: Dogs In The Yard
Content?: Still My God

I'm praying for you guys!!