Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Verse of the day:
Be careful not to neglect this matter. Why let this threat grow, to the detriment of royal interests? Ezra 4:22

This verse, I believe, can be interpreted two ways. But the way I'm going to interpret it is: You cannot neglect your responsibilities.

We all have some responsibilities, and these are also things God has put in our lives to make us grow. At first, it's small amounts of responsibility, but the older we are, the more responsibility we get.

The topic of responsibility is also covered in a parable (a story) in the bible. If you want to check it out, it's Matthew 25:14-30.

Anyway, in the parable a rich man calls together three of his servants and says he has to go away, but that the three of them will be caretakers of his money while he is gone. He gives $5 to the first servant, $2 to the second servant, and $1 to the third servant.

While he is gone, the first servant invested his money and, in turn, made $5 more. The second servant also invested money and, again, made $2 more. The third servant hid his dollar in the ground to keep it safe.

When the rich man returned, he asked for reports on his money, and they all explained what they had done with the money. H e was pleased with the first two servants, and in turn promised them more responsibility. The third servant, however, angered him because he had not used his money wisely.

Responsibility is not the main point, or moral, of the story. But there is an element of responsibility there.

What I'm alluding to is the rich man gave the first two servants bigger and better things because they had been wise with the responsibility they already had.

I have to admit, I'm not always the greatest with responsibility. I spend too much money, and I forget to do important thing (just to name a couple). But I keep trying to be better, because if I am wise with what God has given me, he will give me bigger and better things. I don't know what those bigger and better thing might be. It might be a book contract, or a family to take care of, or even making me head of a ministry. I have no idea. But I want to be a good steward of the things God has entrusted me with.

I'm praying for you guys xoxo

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